Printing house – Advantage through collaboration
When you commission a print job, you probably don’t give much thought to the technological process behind converting your design files into a tangible product. Meanwhile, the printing process is often a specialised, multi-stage production. A well-chosen printing house can become an essential business partner.

How does synergy increase your benefit?
Even in low-end productions, many factors can play a key role. We’ll discuss a few of them and show you their impact on the wider end result.
Machine park of a printing house
There are many machines that a printing house can use to produce a given product. Depending on several factors, such as print run, format, finishing method or preferred quality, the use of one machine is more advantageous than another. Unfortunately, no print shop has a fleet of machines suited to every type of order. This means that only orders perfectly matched to the printing house profile are optimal.

You already know that the wider the machinery, the easier it is to achieve optimum results. You also know that a single printing house cannot operate on every possible technology. It has to choose narrower specialisations in order to run its business efficiently.
A print shop will accept your order even if its specialisation does not coincide with your needs. Mostly it involves a higher price for the service. This is because it’s not that they won’t be able to complete the print job. It’s just that the technological process of a particular job will be more expensive than if it was carried out with the optimal machinery.
It may also happen that a printing house will subcontract the execution of your order to another printing house, while taking a commission. While this doesn’t always mean that the print price will be higher than it would have been with a direct order. The printer may have discounts that change the price significantly. But it certainly means a real loss of control over the process. There is no real management of subcontracted jobs on the market.
Lead time
The occupancy of the print shop is also of no small importance for your order. One of the main aspects of managing a print shop is to ensure that it is always running and that we always cover the machines. It’s a bit like an aeroplane that doesn’t make money when it’s sitting on the tarmac.
If you hit an inconvenient time with your order, it will be delayed… Or the extra cost associated with a sub-optimal process will be added to your quote.
How to defend yourself?
A single customer is rather vulnerable to an industry as diverse as printing and specialised printing. The amount of work you have to do yourself to get the printer right and assess the quality of the offer is enormous.
In addition, once you place an order you lose any influence over the production process. Usually, you won’t even find out that your order is perhaps being carried out by a completely different printer. It is not uncommon for a printer to already plan production with a subcontractor at the offer stage, which you will of course not be informed about.
How did our printing house solve these problems?
Process optimisation has been a task that has had the highest priority since the early days of our company. We realised that in order to deliver a wide range of services, we would have to think outside the box. We also knew that trying to implement any technology on our own would end in failure – we had seen many disasters of this kind.
The old saying, every two heads is not one, was just the first step for us. Those heads soon began to be more. There were new challenges in managing a group of printers, making proper use of ever-growing resources and maintaining the highest quality standards. However, persistence is always helpful where matter does not give up easily.
Synergy effects of the group

Several years of hard work and a lot of accumulated experience have finally started to pay off in real terms and on the figures prove to us, our partners but above all our customers that it was worth it.
The stream of synergy benefits not only affects the much better prices and quality of the products we offer, but above all our very high flexibility in offering complex, original productions.
We analyse our customers’ orders carefully every day. We assign each stage of production to the right unit based on 17 criteria. Our team has designed each criterion to deliver value in three main categories – time, quality and price.
We assign all orders to a coordinator who is responsible for carrying out the entire process, including quality control and compliance with customer requirements. Although multiple units may be involved in production, the coordinator’s role unifies the entire process to eliminate any synergy risks.
How our printing house is different from others?
For Group, the use of all resources, including those of our partners, is subject to advanced management not to maximise profits, but to maximise customer satisfaction.
One of our foundations is the belief that a solid and professional service will benefit both parties – the customer and the contractor. All you have to do is take care of the customer and the second part of success will materialise automatically.
See how the quality of the group can start working for you. Contact us and we’ll put together an offer specifically for you.